
Taxing the Super Rich.

I've been thinking about this. Are they Serious

This guy, and others like him, should be paying more taxes. If you have enough wealth that you can own 18 miles of the Canadian-US border, you should be taxed to the point that you can't afford to buy the 19th mile.

The Right's argument against increased taxation of the super rich is basically that the rich are smarter and will invest the cash more wisely allowing it to trickle down through the economy and provide more benefit than if the money had been redistributed to others by the tax.

I'm not sure. Explain to me how this guy buying 18 miles of borderland is benefiting the economy any more than the the government taking the same amount of money and building roads, bridges, powerplants, fiber networks or just handing it to the people to buy houses, cars, washing machines, fastfood dinners and twinkies. It all goes into the same pot eventually.

We need to raise the tax rates on the super rich. Who the hell cares if a few leave the country. Most won't and it looks like some are ready to leave anyway.

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